
Top 49 Social Media Marketing Interview Questions and Answers: Ultimate Guide

Social Media is booming these days, and it is important to have enough information about that. We have prepared Social Media Marketing Interview Questions and Answers, and the answers guide so that you will be ready to rock in an interview.


Social Media is booming these days, and it is important to have enough information about that. We have prepared social media marketing interview questions, and the answers guide so that you will be ready to rock in an interview.

Table of Contents

So, you need to be calm and careful while giving answers. Below are some of the most frequently asked social media marketing interview questions from interviews, and we have also mentioned answers for all of them.

You can look at these answers and use them accordingly in your interview. The future of Social Media marketing is very bright, and career opportunities in this field are very high.  We provide the most asked Digital marketing interview questions and answers Guide. So, let’s Get started:-

1. What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a practical approach for companies of all sizes to reach out to prospects and customers. People discover, learn about, follow, and buy from brands on social media.  

Use the power of social media websites or platforms to reach your target audience and market your products or services and brand.

The primary purpose of SMM is to promote companies and their products or services to their target audience and especially give power to individuals, small businesses, and large corporations to monitor, manage, analyze, measure, and optimize their online presence.


2. Tell us About Some of the Popular Social Media Tools?

Some Popular Social Media Tools are:-

  • Social Clout
  • Audiense
  • Socialbakers
  • ZeroFOX
  • CrowdBooster

3. How do you measure Social Media Success?

You can answer this question based on your company’s goals.

If you want conversions, the number of online leads, online purchases, content downloads, webinar registrations, and ebook downloads that the campaign received.

It is about how many people remark, like, and share your posts if you want to achieve engagement.

If you want to raise awareness, the number of people who have seen your post is the most important indicator.

If you want to drive traffic to your website, the number of clicks is a key success factor.


4. How to use Social Media to help Website Blog Promotion?

The more targeted you become on Facebook, the more likely you will capture a share of those billions of monthly users. If your target audience is B2B rather than B2C, LinkedIn may be the most cost-effective social media advertising platform.

If your target audience is B2B rather than B2C, LinkedIn may be the most cost-effective social media advertising platform.

LinkedIn stands out among the top social networks as a meeting place for business leaders.

Given that 69 percent of LinkedIn US users earn $50,000 or more per year, this platform has the highest average disposable income and high-quality leads in specific industries.

YouTube reaches more people aged 18 to 49 than any other network or cable channel.

When traditional marketers wonder where their audience has gone, they should look no further than YouTube.

Furthermore, YouTube is more than just a video-sharing website. Sure, creating for YouTube and sharing it on other platforms will get you more bang for your buck, but the platform is a community.

Because YouTube has so many users creating and sharing content, it’s a great place to share unique advertising content. Product reviews, testimonials, walkthroughs, and exclusive demos can all help propel any business forward.

Instagram is an excellent platform for brands with visually appealing products easily incorporated into visual media. Instagram has a massive user base, albeit significantly younger than that of other advertising platforms.

So, if your company and target audience fit both of those criteria, Instagram advertising may be the best option for you.

Twitter is a popular social media channel globally, as the go-to platform for discovering breaking news and engaging with small and big-name influencers.

Tweets are automatically promoted to your target audience by Twitter. All you have to do is select a promotable Tweet from your timeline and specify your target audience, and Twitter will handle the rest.

Pinterest is a visually appealing platform with whimsical wedding photos, cooking videos, and fashion reels. However, with a 71 percent female user base, Pinterest is primarily geared toward women.

Given that Pinterest users use the platform to find and purchase products, Pinterest is one of the best platforms for social media advertising.

85 percent of weekly Pinners have made a purchase based on brand Pins.

5. What is the best time to post on Social Media?

When you think about which is the best time to post on social media, the many factors that play a considerable role, like Your target audience, demographics, and behavior patterns, have a significant effect.

The optimum time to post on Facebook is at 9 a.m. when people are just getting started with their work. Posting around 1 p.m. will result in the most shares while posting at 3 p.m. will result in the most clicks.

Instagram’s The optimal time to post on LinkedIn is between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., which corresponds to working hours.

Early morning hours, beginning at 9 a.m., and afternoon hours, ending at 5 p.m., have high levels of LinkedIn interaction.

The optimum time to tweet on Twitter for the most significant interaction is 9 a.m.

From 7 p.m. until 10 p.m., YouTube traffic is at its peak.

The most excellent times to post on Pinterest are from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.


6. How will you Increase Facebook Organic Reach?

To increase your organic reach on Facebook, you must publish content specifically meant to encourage shares and engagement. Take the time and make an effort to interact with your audience.

join the relevant Facebook group and engage with group members. Paid marketing might help you expand your organic reach.  Interact with Facebook influencers for brand awareness. Improve your edge rank.

7. Explain Facebook EdgeRank? Is it worthy?

Facebook uses EdgeRank to select which publishers’ content will show in the news feeds of your targeted audience.

Follow these strategies to increase followers:-

Post When your target users are online

Post engaging Content

Encourage people to interact with your content

Regularly publish articles

8. How does social media help SEO?

Search engines index social media stuff. Search results include social media accounts. People use social media platforms like search engines to find information about a brand or business.

Making your website and blog content social media shareable allows them to reach a larger audience and boost your social traffic.

9. Tell me about a successful social campaign you’ve run from beginning to end?

Respond to the interviewer based on experience. Which social media project did you find success in, and what strategy did you use? How did you approach paid and organic traffic? What budget have you spent on paid ads, and which social media platform have you engaged the most to attract traffic?

10. How about we conduct a free contest on our Facebook page where people may win by like and sharing our posts?

NO, It is critical to understand the rules and guidelines for each platform. Mostly to follow guidelines and prevent breaking the terms of service, being suspended, or being thrown off.

Facebook opposes clickbait postings that encourage liking and sharing, but you can still conduct a real contest for your followers.

11. How will you Viral a Social Media Post?

People’s engagement with the post is most important. As a result, the Content should be relevant to your target users so that they can relate to it. It might be filled with admiration, wonder, humor, or sadness. It is more likely to become viral if it evokes emotion.

That Content helps them build relationships with others if they share it and becomes more viral. When information comes from a reliable source, people are more likely to share it. 

12. Which KPIs do you use to assess the success of your social media campaigns?

The key performance indicators vary based on the campaign’s objective.

  • Clicks
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Brand Mentions
  • Profile Visits
  • Active followers
  • Leads
  • Impressions
  • Conversion rate
  • CTR
  • cost per click
  • CPM

13. According to you, what is the Impact of Social Media on Marketing?

Social media has helped businesses by building awareness of the company and its products. It can be used for consumer experience as customers can directly communicate with the brands.

People on social media are active and share content with their friends. It can help you to reach more audiences. Consistently interacting with your brand makes you trustworthy. Thus, it increases brand loyalty and value. 


14. What are the Factors of a Viral Video?

You must be aware of your targeted users. If the video appeals to the masses rather than a particular group of people, it has a better chance of getting viral.

Titles must be appealing for viewers to click on the video.

How we promote the video is crucial, such as sending it to influencers, vloggers, social media platforms, etc.

30 seconds of video are critical for the maker to hook the audience.

Videos that evoke strong emotions have the potential to be widely shared.

Make an eye-catching and engaging thumbnail.

15. How should one generate more engagement and retweets on Twitter?

Generate More Engagement on Twitter:-

Do Tweet at the best time for more engagement.

Finish your content in a maximum of 140 characters.

Upload high-quality images with content.

Use relevant hashtags. 

16. How can negative comments be handled on social media?

Do this to Handle Negative Comments in Social Media:-

Try to Respond within 24 hours

If the issue they have with your company can be resolved, the reviewer will be more cooperative if you begin the conversation politely.

Please apologize to the consumer.

Understand the customer’s predicament.

Declare that you have solved the problem

Create a list of FAQ of Common Complaints

17. How can LinkedIn be used for marketing?

Linkedin has approximately 500 million users and is the best platform for establishing a business. The company must develop postings consistent with its brand goal, engage the audience, and are appropriate for the platform. These posts can help the organization establish itself.


18. How is the ROI for social media calculated?

The return on Investment calculation process starts with determining the organizational objectives.

Profit / Investment x 100 = social media ROI %

19. What are the Most Popular Social Media Marketing Blogs?

The most popular Social Media Marketing Blogs are:- 

  • Hubspot
  • Buffer
  • The Future Buzz
  • Web Ink Now
  • TopRank blog
  • DreamGrow

20. What online communities have you managed in the past?

Creating a profile on social media and making a page, joining groups, and then posting content is not what social media managers do. They engage with their users and build trust among them.

Answer what you have done and in which social media platform you are amazing and what is your strategy to build a brand.

21. Which social media channels do you recommend for our business?

It depends on whether the business is B2B or B2C. For example, Facebook is best for B2C and LinkedIn is best for B2B.

YouTube reaches more people aged 18 to 49 than any other network or cable channel.When traditional marketers wonder where their audience has gone, they should look no further than YouTube.

Instagram is an excellent platform for brands with visually appealing products easily incorporated into visual media. Instagram has a massive user base, albeit significantly younger than that of other advertising platforms.

Twitter is a popular social media channel globally, as the go-to platform for discovering breaking news and engaging with small and big-name influencers.


22. Tell me about the Role of SEO in social media?

SEO refers to the practice of optimizing your website so that it appears more prominently when people search for items or services connected to your company on Google, Bing, and other search engines.Confirm that they are familiar with the most recent Google algorithms.

They should also be up to date on the most recent social algorithms and policies of google.

They should be aware of Google Analytics.

23. What was your biggest social media failure?

Give an honest explanation regarding the mistake you did in that project.

Failure is a part of life, and Of course, we should know how they handled the situation. Listen to how the situation was resolved to gain insight into their coping methods and how they deal with negativity. Make sure that it will not happen again.

24. Is the Tiktok ban affecting your social media strategy?

First, it depends on the type of company you are marketing on, TikTok. Each social media site has unique features that we use for different goals, such as Facebook for brand awareness and Linkedin for business. Tiktok is not appropriate for all businesses. 


25. How do you calculate a social media marketing budget?

First, we need to analyze KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators) and determine how much of our budget to allocate to social media advertising. If you’re a B2C company, you should spend approximately 20% of your marketing budget on social media; if you’re a B2B company, spending approximately 16% is sufficient.

26. How to Improve your Social Media Strategy?

Make use of essential features on social media.

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all have various features that make them ideal sites to start your search. Use relevant hashtags on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Use social media to promote your company’s culture.

Share pictures of the company’s insides on social media. By showing some sincerity, you can give candidates an idea of what it’s like to work for your company.

Encourage employee social media advocacy.

Employee-shared content receives eight times more engagement than brand-shared content, so encourage your staff to share job posting vacancies on their personal social media profiles.

27. What platforms do you use to manage your Facebook Ads?

Some Popular Platforms to Manage Facebook Ads

  • SocialPilot
  • AdEspresso
  • Qwaya
  • AdRoll
  • Hootsuite Ads
  • Driftrock
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Revealbot
  • AdStage
  • Rebrandly

28. What role does customer service play in a social media marketing strategy?

When they have questions, complaints, or anything else, 75% of people utilise social media to reach out to brands.

Companies provide assistance on social media in various ways, including comments on posts, responses to consumer evaluations, direct contact via messages, and so on.

Companies that respond quickly and effectively have an advantage when it comes to customer care on social media.

29. How do you monitor trending topics?

I kept abreast of new social media trends by following blogs and popular YouTube channels.

I apply my knowledge in my daily activities.

I utilize social media groups to stay updated on the newest news.

I attend seminars regularly with other social media professionals

30. What is the difference between a targeted and a large (mass) Audience?

Mass Audience

Mass marketing aims to reach as many people as possible.

You Advertisement will show to the not Interested Audience.

It is possible that mass marketing will be more expensive.

Target Audience

Targeted marketing seeks to reach a narrowly focused and profiled group.

It gives you more freedom and the opportunity to speak directly to your target market.

It can save you time and money on marketing and lead generating expenses.

31. What is RSS feed and why is it important?

RSS Feed submission is submitting RSS feeds to a directory of RSS submissions. It allows users to stay up to date on many blogs, websites, and news sources from a single spot.

32. What are the responsibilities of a social media marketer?

Responsibilities of a Social Media Marketer:-

  • Understand the company’s objective.
  • Identify the business concept, products, market, and rivals.
  • Plan, strategize and establish goals.
  • Build relationships with internal stakeholders.
  • Developing a lot of social media strategies.
  • Maintain current knowledge of emerging trends, technologies, tools, and applications.
  • Promote the web site’s blog on social media.
  • increase brand awareness by using innovative strategies

33. What are our competitors social media strategies?

It will be an important question during the social media marketing interview. It is to determine how carefully you examined their business and market, demonstrating your preparation and commitment to the interview.

Therefore, research their top competitors and determine how they promote their business on social media.

34. How do you decide what content to post?

I will create a social media calendar to help me schedule postings in advance. I will schedule social media posts according to my plan.

It will save me a lot of time and allow me to assess my results quickly. I can quickly track the performance of my posts. I will set my monthly social media goals.

35. Importance of Social Media in Digital Marketing?

Marketers may interact with potential consumers on social media. LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram all have unique features to grab customers and have massive traffic on these platforms.

Marketers can connect with their audience with a solid social media strategy. Marketers can post engaging content to attract more audiences.

  1. It is the quickest method of reaching the audience.
  2. It improves SEO.
  3. It’s beneficial to communicate with your consumer and understand their needs.

36. How to Boost Facebook Organic Traffic?

Some Ways to Boost Organic Traffic on Facebook:-

  • Share information that has been created with the ultimate purpose of grabbing attention.
  • Engage with your audience by investing time and effort in it.
  • Paid marketing might help you expand your organic reach.
  • Using Facebook as a community center to establish connections with a massive audience
  • Collaborate with Facebook influencers to ensure that their following sees your business.
  • Post your stuff at the correct time.

37. Popular blogs on Social Media Marketing?

The most Popular Blogs are:-

  1. Social Media Today
  2. Buffer
  3. Social Media Examiner
  4. Hubspot

38. Tell me about some Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes?

Some Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes:-

  • Inability to understand the customer’s intent
  • Improper use of social media strategy
  • Simply marketing services or products without providing any helpful company information
  • not create a social media calendar
  • Ignoring the negative response
  • Performance is not being observed or analyzed.

39. Can Google Analytics help Social Media Marketing?

 Yes, Google Analytics can help you record the number of visitors from various social media channels and direct them to your website.

40. Why should we hire you over someone else?

Tell the interviewer why you are better than other candidates. Tell them about your strength and ability to manage everything. Tell them about your skills and experience in this field.

41. Tell us the Five Pillars of Social Media Marketing?

The five pillars of social media marketing are:-

  1. Strategy
  2. Planning and publishing
  3. Engagement
  4. Analytics
  5. Advertising

42. Name some Popular Social Media Marketing Influencers?

Some Popular Social Media Marketing Influencers are:-

  • Jeff Bullas
  • Dareen Rowse
  • Mari Smith
  • Neil patel
  • Mike Allton
  • Mark Schaefer
  • Marsha Collier

43. What is Pay Per Click Advertising?

Pay Per Click or in short PPC is an online advertising concept which makes advertisers pay only when a user or reader clicks on the advertisement running on any online platform or website. A business generally bids for the PPC ads based on its budget and pays per click.

Hence, a business is only charged for the PPC advertising when a user or reader clicks through that advertisement on the website as the name reads “pay per click” or PPC ads.

44. Importance of Youtube in Social Media Marketing?

Because 65 percent of people are visual learners, it has become a highly crucial social media marketing tool these days. By making intriguing videos, we can provide a complete image of the brand.

YouTube has millions of users that check in every day, giving it a vast audience. To reach a large number of users and visitors on YouTube, you should employ the website’s search engine optimization features.

Inputting the correct keywords and tags will not only assist your video reach your target audience but also help you gain organic traffic for your company website.

Making videos on YouTube is far more efficient and cost-effective. Spending on video production equipment is far more cost-effective than investing in traditional advertising platforms.

In certain circumstances, a video on YouTube receives enough views to become a viral video. Creating a complex, attention-grabbing, and current video for your organization will eventually provide your firm the most visibility, not only on YouTube but throughout the internet.


45. How will you get more social media Followers?

Best Ways to Increase Followers On Social Media:-

  • Create a Powerful Brand Identity
  • Engage with Your Fans
  • Use Share-Worthy Hashtags 
  • Post Helpful Content
  • Customer service should be prioritized.
  • Keep an eye on competitors
  • focus on Quality rather than quantity
  • Ignore the trolls.
  • Organize competitions
  • Please share more video content

46. How will you Find Your Target Audience on Social Media?

Find Your Target Audience on Social Media:-

  • Create identities for your intended audience.
  • Survey Your Clients
  • Determine the Size of Your Target Audience
  • Locate and Communicate with Your Customers
  • Encourage greater discussion
  • Make a Well-Balanced Content Strategy
  • Create interesting posts.
  • Pose questions
  • Motivate Yourself With Visual Quotes
  • Make promotional posts.
  • Distribute Educational Content
  • More video stuff should be posted

47. What is a Landing Page? How Can You Improve Landing Page Quality?

A landing page is a web page that a visitor reaches after clicking on an email, ad, or other digital sources.

Improve Your Landing Page With These Tips:-

  • relevant to the ad group’s text and keywords, attractive headline
  • Unique and high-quality content
  • Google’s Page Speed guidelines must be followed.
  • Content transparency and a clear privacy policy
  • A strong call to action message must
  • include Visuals should
  • do not have too many links.

48. What is the Customer Journey?

The customer journey is the collection of experiences that customers have when interacting with your business and brand. Instead of focusing on only one aspect of a transaction or event, the customer journey captures the entire experience.

 Stages of Customer Journey:- 

  1. Consideration
  2. Conversion
  3. Retention and Advocacy
  4. Retention
  5. Advocacy
  6. Awareness

49. In the next three years, where do you see yourself?

Answer according to your skill and knowledge. In the next 5 years, what you want to achieve and what you want to focus on most.

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