
7 Secret of Writing SEO-friendly Article in 2024: Expert’s Techniques

In this article you will learn pro level’s techniques to write SEO-friendly article to rank high. A SEO-friendly article is created with SEO friendly Content, which means optimizing your content to help search engines understand, find, and relate to the topic on which you are writing.

7 Secret of Writing SEO-friendly Article

7 Secret of Writing SEO-friendly Article in 2024: Expert's Techniques

Are you looking for the best kept secrets on how to make your content SEO friendly, then you have landed at the right place.

No matter how novice you are to the world of digital marketing, you have probably heard about the term SEO and how SEO helps businesses across the world to target the accurate set of audiences. 

You must be wondering What is SEO writing, what are SEO writing benefits and how to make SEO friendly blogs. Don’t worry, creating SEO friendly content is not rocket science for sure but it may require some skills that can be learned easily. 

However, you can be much assured about the fact that learning these simple steps or tips for writing SEO friendly content will pay off if in the future you do the things right.

But before we begin the steps of creating a successful SEO blog you must know what the term user-friendly SEO content means.

How to Write an SEO-Friendly Article?

People are looking for the content all over the internet, and it’s hard to find the most trusted source of content on the internet with much traffic all pointing in different directions.

However, content creators like you can help them achieve what they want, and accordingly, you will also achieve what you want.

Ranking needs skills, and an article with a thousand of SEO keywords may probably not rank. It needs to have a well-optimized content table with high-quality content and properly used keywords to achieve height.

Before you think more about it, let’s look into answers to all your questions. Keep reading the article till the end to learn more about SEO-friendly meaning.

What is SEO-Friendly Article?

A SEO-friendly article is created with SEO friendly Content, which means optimizing your content to help search engines understand, find, and relate to the topic on which you are writing.

So, how do you do that? And what exactly does SEO-friendly meaning relate to in an article?Before we begin with these SEO content writing tips, you must be aware that

Keywords play an important role in ranking your article. Keywords tend to make the articles more user-friendly and more user-centric to the queries that are made on google’s search bar. 

Let’s say you have some idea or points on some topic and you want to write an article or want to publish your blog and that it should rank high on search engines with more and more people reaching your page and reading it.

So what do you think of how you can do that? Did something come to your mind? Yes, you thought it right you have to make it SEO friendly.

On-page- SEO

I know now you are thinking about how to write an SEO friendly article. Don’t worry; that’s the reason you are here, and we have made a comprehensive report to help you master this skill.

Continue reading the article to know the most useful and best tips for writing  SEO friendly articles. 

Tips for writing SEO-Friendly Articles

Follow these tips to attract more traffic to your blog or article and see your page at the top of search engine result pages. So, Here we go with these SEO friendly content guidelines.

1. Focus on Content Quality and Uniqueness

Writing unique and high quality content is the foremost thought you should keep in your mind. By unique, we do not mean that you have to introduce something new.

It simply means you should never copy text from any other source.

Many times in order to make things more informative and qualitative we forget the fact that it should also be creative and engaging to read.

So, making engaging SEO Content is very necessary, which means you need to make thorough user research on your audiences and their demands. You can check for plagiarism in your content easily with the help of free tools.

Do research before building your content, try to analyze and build a storyline of what you want to communicate, then categorize it genuinely and elaborate it.

Always compare your content from the angle of how you will make it different from what currently exists.

2. Create Small Paragraphs

write small paragraphs

While you should be writing lengthy and information loaded blogs or write long articles, but then always try to structure your content well.

Don’t make them boring for your readers and such that users forget the purpose of the readership. 

Designing and optimizing your article is key in mastering to write an SEO-friendly article. If readers will find their way more easily and the search engines can index your URLs better. Instead of using long paragraphs, use short paras and add points wherever possible to make it more engaging.

Always try to stick to 3 or 4 sentences in a paragraph (50-60 characters). This will help users to engage more with your content and increase traffic to your article or post.

Small paragraphs don’t make them boring to read and while keeping your information and readers intact to the page until they find their way. 

3. Use Images and Optimize them

Including images in your content makes it more interesting and easier to read for users.  But make sure you optimize the images in your content as it is one of the most important factors for SEO ranking. 

Follow these tips to make optimize images in your content:-

Use a meaningful file name for your images which means keep the name based on the content of your image. Avoid using numbers and underscore or symbols.

Use optimized image size to improve page loading speed. It will help in a better SEO ranking.

Give appropriate Alt text, it is very necessary in the name of an image. In case your internet is slow and images don’t load on your page, you will still be able to see what the image is about.

The text behind your image is image alt text. And also try to add keywords in the alt tags. It will help search engines to understand the subject matter of an image and rank better. 

4. Write Engaging Title

While you want to write more optimized and write detailed articles, page titles have an important role in the process. Titles have an immense impact on your SEO user-friendliness content. 

You always need to Create an engaging title for your audience to help them understand what your blog is all about and what factors should make them want to see and read more and encourage them to click and visit your page.

Some useful points to consider:-

  1. You must include at least one target keyword and if possible place it within the first 3 keywords of your title as the first three words get high priority in search engines.
  2. Make sure your title length is under 60 characters. 
  3. Always include the title of the blog in the H1 tag. 

After drafting your title, you can check the overall score of the title using different tools available. 

5. Do Keywords research and choose them carefully


Keywords play a vital role in creating SEO friendly content. Targeting the right keyword will help you dominate the search results and target the right audience. 

Do thorough keyword research for your content to ensure that you are targeting the right one.

You can follow these methods for keyword research:-

Use different sources for keyword research such as Google keyword planner, Answer the public and so on. 

Use Related searches on google to know about the user’s intent. 

Approach various industry forums to see what questions or topics your users are interested in.

Based on real user queries, Google provides keyword suggestions. Search your query on Google and take note of the suggestions you get while typing the topic in the search box.

6. Place your Keyword Perfectly

Use long-tail keywords. They might have less competition, but still give a high probability to rank on search engine result pages and bring more focused traffic.

Make sure to include the target keyword in the right places:-

Keyword in Title: You must use keywords in the title as I have already explained earlier. 

Keyword in URL: You must include keywords in URL.

Keywords within content: Use keywords within your content in Heading tags.

Keywords in Conclusion: Try to add at least one keyword in the conclusion.

Keyword in Alt tag: Add keywords in the alt tags this will help your images and content rank on the search engines. 

Keywords in meta description: You must take this into consideration if you really want to be at the top. Optimizing with a target keyword will boost your SEO ranking. 

Though there are no defined rules or any specific figure that tell you how many keywords a content should include. But don’t overuse keywords, it may hamper content readability. 

7. Include links

Whenever you write a new blog post, it’s beneficial if you add links to old blog posts so that readers spend more time on your site and reduce the bounce rate which is an important SEO factor.

It will also help search engines understand the relevance of your content and rank old posts higher.

If you are using External links in your content, add high quality links.

Linking to informative and authoritative resources will improve build faith and improve user experience.

Make sure linking makes sense, don’t just link it for the advantage of linking. Add links that are relevant and beneficial for users.

Also, while interlinking, add anchor text to the links as readers will better understand what the link is about.

How to Write SEO Meta Description?

how to write seo meta discription

This term is not new for you if you are yet another blogger just like me, but many of us don’t know the exact way of how to write a meta description or SEO description.

Content is key to creating an idle SEO friendly article, but there are some hidden attributes as well.

SEO description is a type of Metadata that is added to the back end of any webpage that triggers useful signals to the search engine and readers about its information and briefing about the content inside the webpage. The SEO description provides a brief report of the webpage.

The Meta Description should be less than 160 characters and must have engaging content that users choose to click in to read it.

The Meta Description along with the Title Tag and the Slug jointly creates the text snippet that is available on the Google search result page on searching the particular keywords.

Wrapup:- So, now you can also start by building your presence up the right way with these tips on writing engaging SEO content and get more traffic to your article. It’s time to see your page at the top in the search engine results and make your business grow.  

5 thoughts on “7 Secret of Writing SEO-friendly Article in 2024: Expert’s Techniques”

  1. This is a fantastic article on SEO-friendly writing. The information provided is clear, concise and easy to understand. The tips and guidelines shared will definitely help content creators in optimizing their articles for search engines. Thanks for sharing such valuable information!


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