
How to do Keyword Research for SEO: Never Fail Techniques

This is the In Depth Guide to do Keyword Research for SEO. #1. how to do right keyword research for SEO and blog. #2. popular free keyword research tools and expert’s techniques. #3. understand about your target audience’s psychology. #4. achieve your targeted goals.


How to do Keyword Research for SEO: Never Fail Techniques

Are you aware of the fact that simple Keyword Research for SEO on the internet could help your business or company become successful in no time?

These keywords are nothing but the term you look for in the search engines while exploring any topic or finding answers to your question.  In this article you will learn that why keyword research is important in SEO.

Hence, Determining the right set of keywords is most important in the field of digital marketing. Picking up the right and relevant keywords will actually help your business to grow and achieve its goal, and then it will be viral.

But before you be like a pro you need to start building the Keyword research checklist with us. Moving further, let’s discuss the Keyword research definition first. So what is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process through which you research popular search words that people type within search engines and add them strategically in your content so that the content appears higher on a search engine results page (SERP).

The keyword research process requires picking a niche for your content that is focused on a set of targeted keywords for which you want your content to rank.


Right way to do Keyword Research for SEO

We often forget that when we are researching any keyword, we don’t actually do this for ourselves, hence, for our target audience. You must be well aware of the terms and needs of your target audience before you can jump over and start researching keywords for the niche you are writing.

For example, if you are specific about the needs of your target audience, you will pick the most relevant and accurate keywords that they might be searching every time they start typing in google.

E.g. Somebody looking to buy homemade cakes in New York will use the keyword homemade cake shops New York City or New York Desserts shop.

So, now you start researching for keywords, make a list of keywords according to your knowledge and experience that are suitable for your niche and from which you will find more relevant keywords.

We shall learn briefly about the fundamentals of keyword research in this article. Keep Reading….


How to Choose Right Keywords for SEO

Now you are well versed with how to do research for keywords. But the problem arises when you have to choose keywords for SEO to increase your ranking. We have the solution for this difficulty too. Read out the below-mentioned points to get an answer. 

  • Google suggest and related searches: To use this, simply head to Google and type key phrases related to your niche in the search bar. Don’t press Enter. Rather, look at the keywords that Google suggests. These are keywords about what people are looking for as those are based on recent trends and search volumes.

At the bottom of the page, the ‘search related to’ feature will give you long-tail keywords that you can target.

  • Competitive gap analysis: You can use Google keyword planner to do competitive analysis. Input the top competitors for the term related to your topic and view what extra keywords they mapped that page with. 
  • Wikipedia’s Content Table: You all are aware of Wikipedia. It has valuable details and a table of contents on the side provides excellent information on topics that are written with close keyword relevance to the topic.

You can add more keywords to your list by clicking on these as the posts are always up to date with the latest content and related links. 


How to do Keyword Research for Blog?

Keyword research for blogs is ain’t easy but if you follow the right approach for keyword research. it is not difficult too. This is the definitive KEYWORD RESEARCH GUIDE for you. 

Following the right strategy will help your blog posts rank in search engines and drive gain traffic from users across the web. so, let’s learn how to do keyword research for blog.


There are a lot of ways that are effective for you to approach the right keyword for your blog and I have already discussed above the different tools and techniques that you can use to find the best and appropriate keywords and gain popularity in your industry. 

You can also make use of keyword research extensions like Keywords Everywhere, Ubersuggest for faster keyword search and run keyword analysis.


What are the Keyword Research Techniques?

You cannot just win the competition through basic keyword research. You have to discover more about what users are searching and how search engines are indexing.

It is actually possible if you follow certain techniques for keyword research.

To know more keyword research techniques, keep reading the article till the end to identify the best techniques for keyword research and learn about some best hidden keyword research tools free of cost.

Wait! What did we just say? Now what’s that! What are keyword research tools? Let’s learn here.


What are the Best Keyword Research Tools?

While Google is a good place to start building the Keywords research checklist and it offers a tool like Google keyword planner, you might want to gain a deeper insight into how a specific search term is performing. You want to know that how to do keyword research for free.

I’ll suggest you use one of the following as these are the best keyword research tools:

1. SEMrush: Semrush is not a typical keyword research tool. It offers so much more than just researching keywords & also lets you perform keyword research in multiple ways.

You can use this tool for free but it provides limited options in it. To gain full benefits of this tool, you have to buy it and it gives 7 days free trial. Keyword research with SEMrush can be done using seed keyword or head keyword. 

2. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer: You can generate great ideas with Ahrefs keyword explorer. Keyword research with Ahrefs gives in-depth information on each keyword.

It also gives a breakdown of the first-page competition which will make it easier for you to pick the right keyword. 


3. Google Keyword Planner: Keyword research with Google Keyword Planner tool is one of the most popular and widely used keyword research tools.

You can simply put in the keyword of your niche and it will give you suggestions of what other people are searching for based on that keyword. It will show you different suggestions of your main keyword and will show you how competitive they are as well as how much search volume they get there. 

Best Keyword Research Techniques?

You have previously read about the best keyword research tools and how important is it to follow a great strategy for keyword research. Now, let’s move on to the best keyword research techniques:

  •  Check Q&A sites: We have Quora, Yahoo Answers and other forums from where you can find long tail question-based search queries. All you need to do is search for your topic and see which keywords tend to show up. 
  • Use Reddit: Reddit is a great source to get real insights from people that discuss every topic with a lot of user engagement. 

Simply head over to Reddit and choose within “hot”,” top”, “new”, “rising” or “controversial” tabs to find the trending Reddit’s. Apart from this, you can click on my subreddits and keep an eye on categories that meet your target audience. These ways you can get questions and long-tail keywords for your content. 

  • Recognize keywords with high CPC(Cost per click): Do optimize your content with keywords that have high CPC because they generate maximum conversions. 

How Keyword Research is Done?

Did You know? 

There are almost 4 types of keywords that are on the internet that are generally classified as Informational, Navigational, Transactional, and Commercial.

Long Tail Keywords with lesser search volume on the internet often convert better traffic to your blog or site as they are more specific about their intention on what to find.

How to do Keyword Research for Free?

I surely know the fact that not all of you will be able to afford the expensive tool. There is an alternative to this problem also. I have come up with five free keyword research tools that can give you great value when used correctly. 

  1. Keyword Sheeter
  2. Ubersuggest
  3. Keywords Everywhere
  4. Google Trends
  5. Google Keyword Planner

Where to do Keyword Research?

Keyword research is a skillful process. Finding the right and best keywords that boost your organic traffic can’t be found through a usual process. 

Keyword research with google is the best way to target relevant keywords. However, there are other tools as well which we have already discussed and will be discussing further in this article.


Without keyword research, you might find yourself lost in the market and battling giants in your industry. To cope up with it, I am going to tell you some tips you have to take into account when doing keyword research and set up your keyword strategy. 

Here are the keyword research tips to get effective and valuable keywords:

  • Find low-competition topics with high search traffic. You can use Ahrefs Content Explorer for this.
  • Forums have all user-generated content because people ask questions, provide answers and there is a lot of engagement. Search for keywords forums is ranking for.
  • Find keywords your audience is searching for, but your competitors haven’t found. You can leverage an immense advantage to boost traffic and engagement on your content but it needs some creativity.

Why Keyword Research is Important in SEO?

Many of you might ask why we need to spend time doing keyword research. The answer is keyword research is the most important SEO strategy that influences all of the other things you do. But here are the four most important points for why do keyword research is so important in SEO:

  • Until you know which words and phrases are most important for your website to rank well, you can’t properly optimize the pages in your site nor your content strategy to help draw quality traffic and leads to your site.
  • Knowing the niche keywords and their popularity can help you choose something slightly different with less competition and in return rank higher than your competitors.
  • Keyword research helps to improve your ranking by helping you write about things your target audience is actually searching for.
  •  Keyword research makes all the difference in creating title tags and meta descriptions and optimizing them. 

Wrap up:- So, are you ready to rank like a champion? You are an expert at keyword research now. Go ahead and read the mind of your readers and start researching keywords and use them correctly.

Also Read: On-page SEO .

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