
9 Effective SEO Techniques to Drive Organic Traffic in 2024

Discover 9 effective SEO techniques to drive organic traffic to your website. Learn how to optimize your content, build backlinks, and improve your website’s speed to achieve top search engine rankings.


9 Effective SEO Techniques to Drive Organic Traffic in 2024

Do you know that ‘you can use SEO techniques to drive organic traffic’? Keep reading this blog to know all about this!

Due to limitless ups and downs in search engine result page (SERP) rankings, getting desired results from SEO efforts is becoming more difficult. Even if you give you 100%, you may not succeed to outrank your competitors. 

If your website doesn’t succeed in getting into the top search results, you can be deprived of upto one-third of traffic.

The basic thing is to make your place in the top results so that you can get the required organic traffic. So, if you craft a robust online presence with a strong SEO strategy, your business can survive in the long run. 

Fortunately, many SEO techniques can help you drive traffic that too without wasting many resources. 

You may or may not be familiar with some of them. 

So, let’s roll in to know the best SEO techniques to drive as much traffic as you need. 

Best SEO Techniques to Drive Traffic Quickly

Numerous factors can impact the number of traffic coming to your platform. SEO will be a difficult task with the new algorithms every day.

Getting results from it is even more daunting in this competitive world. But you can not ignore SEO because it is one of the major factors determining the failure or success of your online business. 

If you don’t have enough visibility, you can’t survive in the digital age. Hence, to enhance your search engine rankings and drive traffic, here is the list of 9 best SEO techniques to speed up your advertising efforts.


1. Focus on the Right Keywords

While talking about the best SEO techniques, we can’t miss keywords. Using the correct keywords is crucial for search engine optimization.

If you miss identifying relevant keywords, you can miss representing your business’s specialty. After you identify the keywords, you need to create high-quality and engaging content that includes those keywords.

Focusing on the correct keywords can help to improve rankings and enhance organic traffic to your platform. 

There is no need to choose high-volume keywords if they are not aligned with your business niche.

Don’t go for such a practice if you are a little serious about the traffic coming to you. You may get traffic this way, but it can’t help you in sales. So, while choosing keywords, be clear and choose keywords that align with your business. 

2. Schema Markup

Structured Data or Schema Markup is a supplementary code to add to the web pages to help Google or any other search engine know about your website. For this, you can also install trustworthy WordPress Schema Plugins to make your site more accessible and easy to discover in search engine results. 

Search engines separate relevant and considerable content from inappropriate one with the assistance of schema markup or structured data. With the relevant content, your website will be more discoverable for search engines.  

3. Follow E-A-T/E-E-A-T

Users click only trustworthy links that give credible information and Google knows this. Google uses search quality evaluators for such results. Such evaluators monitor whether the site fulfills Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust criteria or comes from a trustworthy source. 

You should add information about your business identity and yourself to make your brand credible and identifiable easily. You can follow the given tips on displaying EAT:

  • You should give details of your brand and expertise on the ‘About US’ page section of the website.
  • You should include customer care details to help visitors to connect with you. 
  • You can add an author bio well written by a writer. But remember it should be clear and concise showing relevant experience and expertise in related areas. 
  • You should include customer testimonials, positive ratings, and reviews to lure more customers. This will help to enhance brand trustworthiness in the eyes of the audience. 

In December 2022, Google Announces about E-E-A-T, stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. T

hese are the qualities that Google looks for when evaluating the quality and relevance of your content. E-E-A-T is not a ranking factor by itself. Still, it is a key component of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (SQEG), which help Google measure how well your website meets the needs and expectations of your audience.

So, how can you improve your E-E-A-T and boost your online reputation? The answer is simple:

  • Write from your own experience, show your credentials, and be specific.
  • Don’t just write generic content that anyone can copy and paste.
  • Write content that reflects your unique knowledge, skills, and insights.
  • Share your personal stories, examples, and case studies.
  • Provide evidence and references to back up your claims.
  • Show your audience why they should trust you and listen to you.

Doing this will create high-quality content that adds value to your audience and impresses Google.

4. The Main Title Tag Should be Optimized

An essential part of implementing the best SEO techniques is the main title tag. If someone searches for the related keywords, this will ensure your site is more visible at the top ranks. Therefore, use an interesting title or tagline and add keywords. 

The headline of each web page or blog post also needs to be well-optimized. Keep in mind that your title tag should be descriptive enough to tell the people what you want to convey. Also, it should be captivating enough to catch the attention of the people. 

  • Use Action Verbs or Power Words
  • Write it under 60 characters
  • Make it relevant and timel
  • Use keywords strategically
  • Use emotional language

5. Optimized and Fresh Content

If you want to increase organic traffic more strategically via SEO techniques, content plays an important role in achieving this. You can optimize already existing content and the content should be latest. If you do so, you can get favorable results from Google. 

If you add relevant content that users are looking for, then your content will get the desired traffic. Some content optimization tips include:

  • You should focus on the relevant word count.
  • The content should have good readability. To enhance this, you can add headings, subheadings, etc.
  • You should have optimized meta tags and descriptions.
  • Your content should have focused and related keywords at the right density. 

Follow all these practices for all the posts and content and you will surely drive traffic to your platform. 

6. Focus on Linking

Link building or backlinking is known as one of the super ways to enhance visibility and thus drive traffic. New link building is a way of getting hyperlinks to your website from other good websites. 

The major aim of link-building is to maximize the number of good-quality links to a particular web page to enhance its visibility. Suppose one of your web pages is not getting enough traffic and you need to enhance its visibility, you can focus on link building. 

You can get a good amount of organic traffic to your website with this SEO-based method. Backlinking or link-building can get better if you analyze your competitors to notice what they are doing with their posts to achieve great results. 

People also ask

7. Optimize for ‘People Also Ask’

PAA or People Also Ask is one of the best SEO techniques to take advantage of search engine result page features. PAA is a Google SERP feature to display searchers’ additional queries that they are searching for. If you optimize for PAAs, you can get:

  • You can get an increased click-through rate (CTR). 
  • You can get to the top of search engine result pages. 
  • You can improvise your brand value and awareness. 

Here are some tips that you can use to optimize for ‘People Also Ask’:

  • You should use numbered or bullet lists wherever possible in the content. 
  • You can use questions-based subheadings.
  • At the beginning of the article, try to give dictionary definitions or answers. 

Optimizing PAAs in your content can surely lead to great organic traffic to your platform.

8. Do Image Optimization

Images play an important role in improving the user experience of the visitors. If you use it right, images can contribute to the SEO of your website and enhance organic traffic. So, here’s how you do image optimization to get good results:

Compress the images

You should do image compression to minimize the size of the images without degrading their quality. Larger images take longer times to load and visitors can get irritated with it. You can also use “convert for media” plugin it directly  to directly convert your images in WebP Form.

Choose the proper file format

Images are one of the biggest contributors to overall page size and loading time. If you choose the right file format, you can manage page size well and it will take less loading time. 

Give ALT Text for images

Alternative text or ALT text is text to include in HTML code to describe an image on a web page. It gives context to the search engine crawlers. 

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9. Optimize the Website’s loading Speed

The footfall of the audience directly depends on the loading speed of your website. Speed does matter when you are working to provide the best user experience to the visitors. If the web page takes more than 6 seconds to load, you may lose potential customers. 

As Google wants to give a good user experience to its visitors, its top results are those websites that have faster loading times. So, if you need to enhance your search engine rankings, you have to put extra effort into optimizing the speed of your website. 

But how will you achieve this without knowing what affects the speed of your website or things that slow down your website speed:

  • Big-size images.
  • Third-party scripts, plugins, or themes.
  • Not having a standard host.
  • Heavy web pages. 

As you have read about the factors that mostly slow down your website, you can solve the issues. You can use compressed images or get rid of unneeded scripts or plugins. Apart from this, you can work on areas that boost your website’s speed. 


Making and launching a website or app is not the end of the online business process. There is a lot of work that needs to be done after that.

It needs a lot of effort to bring your online platform closer to the target audience. This directly means to give your efforts in search engine optimization strategies. 

All the given best SEO techniques will help you to make your website SEO-friendly and drive organic traffic. Whether you need to work on one strategy or all, you need to choose the right path. Once you start working on SEO tips, you will get good results. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

Start working on SEO techniques to optimize your website and drive higher traffic!

If you have any other questions in mind, feel free to ask. We are here to help you anytime!

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