
37 Best Time-saving SEO Tools in 2024: Free & Paid

37 Time-saving best SEO tools are here. Being in the digital market is not an easy thing. We understand the importance of your time. That’s why we are here to tell you that top leaders do.

best seo tools

37 Best Time-Saving SEO tools in 2024: Free & Paid

I must remark that blogging is super fun once you know the right methods and ways to do. SEO is very Important Part of Blogging And for do Better you must ave Life- saving SEO tools. However, there are a lot of reasons that make blogging exciting and it must be there in your content strategy. 

Well, so let’s discuss the blog strategies which can yield great results and foster new beginnings in the blogging industry. You must have wondered what are SEO tools used for, and why SEO tool is used.

The search engine optimization includes various stages of research and exploration and to benefit from those you need to stick tight to this article. Let’s learn further about some SEO tools and their uses.

life saving seo tools

Why is SEO important?

Will you believe if we say that SEO can actually ingest better writing habits inside you, well that can be momentous and clarifying in a sudden subject, but this is the way it happens.

SEO is the key to a lot of good rather great things that happen with your blog and that is why SEO important  to us. Mainly, We are woking on two type SEO:

On-page SEO

Off-page SEO

Let us learn why use SEO tools about the various use of SEO tools that help us in achieving this by attracting more quality leads and blogs for your website.

Difference between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO

The main focus of this blog is to make you understand the importance and necessity of search engine optimization tools, the various SEO tools list and how these search engine tools actually work.

We will discuss the various search engine optimization tools that can be helpful in ranking your page or website and SEO tools to find keywords. 

So some of you might be new to this term SEO tools. Seo tools are instruments that help you measure your website’s SEO strength and help to write SEO friendly article. Let’s learn which SEO tool is best for your blog.

SEO tools are the measuring step in the process of optimizing your website in order to make it more visible on search engines like Google.

You must also note that there are many tools on the internet that claim to be useful for SEO but we must not waste your time on all of them.

What are SEO tools used for?

SEO tools help you save time and effort by helping you optimize posts for your search traffic on wordpress.

This helps you in thorough understanding the first step of SEO, and how to use SEO tools for website. on your blogs, even SEO tools to find keywords is a very common thing and helps you get even the most out of reach search traffic for every post you write with these keywords.

So are you excited enough to invest your time in understanding about these SEO tools, then let’s learn about these SEO tools to increase traffic and Improving Ranking.

But before you dig deeper into this we must tell you that you should remain focused on the tools that can be really helpful in your website’s growth rather than endlessly investing your time and money on any of these. 


What are SEO tools used for?

There are thousands of SEO tools on the internet that claim to help you build traffic in and around your websites and readership growth up to millions per day.

However you need to be cautious with the use of SEO tools and double check them before downloading.

After reading this article it will clear to you that why we need to use SEO tools.

At webjinnee.com we generally use and suggest these 37 magical and innovative life-saving SEO tools to our clients and readers so that we can make them use the most of it under a limited cost and investment.  these tools will definitely increase your website traffic.

Now you all must be aware that SEO tools are either free or paid. However many of them claim that as usual the Paid tools are those that pay off while the free ones are not that useful, but we are not convinced with this.

There are certain free SEO tools that offer you the best operational benefits.

So Here are the List:- 

1.Google Adwords Keyword Planner is a useful SEO tool that is made available for Google Adwords customers. You just need to set up an account and follow the steps and then access the Keyword Planner tool to get a list of great keywords.

2. LSI Graph is a tool that helps you find the related search terms of the Latent Semantic Indexing keywords you search or enter in the tool, this helps to beef up your post for the additional Long and short tail keywords. LSI graph allows you to perform keyword research for 29 queries each day.

3. Keywordtool.io is yet another free tool that helps you find the long list of related LSI keywords based on the keywords you search in the index and their search volumes.

4. Ubersuggest is a great professional SEO tool that also comes free of cost and does the similar job but has more authentic claims.

5. Google Trends is a popular and famous tool among all kinds of bloggers and social media marketers that requires no sign in or logging. It helps you search high ranking and trending keywords.

6. Keyword Finder by Mangools helps you understand the keyword ecosphere by guiding you with the appropriate knowledge and difference of why and why not a keyword is ranking with enabled AI.

7. Quora is yet another useful crowdfunded website that has proved itself to be useful for bloggers and help you find the best and most searched keywords people are searching on google.

8. BuzzSumo search box helps you get the wealthiest of information for the topic or content you are working on. It suggests relevant and accurate content for your niche.

9. Quick Sprout is a website that measures your website performance and analyses its growth over time.

10. Portent Title maker is an amazing tool that helps you by suggesting the entire title which people are searching on google based on the subject you put a query. It also explains in brief why you should have such a title.

11. Blog Topics Generator is yet another keyword search tool that helps you with deciding the topic for your blog just like Portent Title maker.

12. Trello is a useful tool that helps you organize your blogpost ideas into notes.

13. Evernote is also a useful tool that comes handy and is incredibly fast in organizing your ideas.

14. Google Calendar is useful in organising the topics that you will post everyday on your blog or website by putting a schedule on a day to day basis.

15. Todoist is an AI enabled tool that helps you by suggesting the breakdown of the blog writing process and also lets you share the work with your team to help collaboration of work.

16. Wunderlist manages tasks with ease and helps you sort your ideas into tasks and subtasks and list the ideas that you want to put in your content.

17. Dropbox is a useful blogger tool that you have heard of quite often. It helps you share things like pdfs, files, photos, docs etc.

18. Keywords planner is an amazing alternative to Google Keyword Planner and returns search based results for the queried search term.

19. Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin can help you set up your idea into a blog post that goes with the search results and help keep you stay focused on the topic you choose. It analyses your blog based on various parameters.

yoast seo

20. Google Docs is a straight and simple document sharing tool that works just like a Microsoft word and even helps you collaborate while you write.

21. Grammarly is an insightful spelling and grammar check tool used by content writers and digital marketing experts to check grammatical errors and mistakes.

22. Egg Timer as the name suggests is a time saving tool that helps you identify the time taken to finish a work or set timer on how much time you need to work.This improves your efficiency.

23. Toggl is similar to Egg Timer but it’s more sophisticated as it breaks down your work efficiency into various steps and the time you spent on the task in total. Toggl is useful for new and beginners who write, research and edit.

24. Hemingway is a tool that helps you analyze your text for readability and accuracy of the subject as well other things. It is a free tool and is quite useful for bloggers.

25. WordPress Distraction free Writing tools help you manage time and efficiency. In order to access that you need to click on the four-way arrow icon situated in the top right corner of any WordPress post.

26. Desk is a Mac Only app that helps you write from your MAC pc and connects directly to Blogger, Tumblr, facebook and other publishing websites.It is similar to Zenwriter that is popular.

27. Ahrefs has earned a special reputation as the best blogging tool that has been made till day which works magic with SEO strategies for blogs and suggests the best keywords. It also helps you with competitor analysis with advanced tools.


28. Monster Insight is a simple to use Google Analytics plugin for wordpress that allows you to view GA data policy in your WordPress Dashboard.

29. Serp Robot is an absolutely free to use Google ranking position checker for the keywords you are using in your article.

30. Twinworld ideas is a free blogging tool that gathers information regarding the keyword you have search query based on search accuracy and other parameters. It is a more advanced version of the other free keyword research tool with wonderful results.

31. SimilarWeb turns even the most enigmatic data into easy-to-understand graphics and Insights that might take hours for you to do.


32. Can I rank ? is a data driven tool that helps you understand the various parameters based on which you can rank on Google search index.

33. SE Ranking is a SEO tool with a broader feature set that ranges from Keyword ranking tracking, Keyword research tools, competitor analysis and monitoring and traffic analytics, etc, this tool is quite advanced and useful in many ways.

34. CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer quickly checks your Title or Headline for various parameters like length, keywords, sentence sentiment, relevancy and scores it between 0 to 100.

35. Hunter is a sophisticated and accurate Email address finder for the people associated with any organization. It helps you network better with the accurate and relevant email address for your business.

36. Ninja outreach always makes itself to the list of the best blogging tools as it’s an all-in-one tool that helps in gaining outreach and is useful to connect with influencers, guest writers and posts and build a network with other bloggers in your niche.

ninja outreach

37. Focus Me is a special tool that I use or rather suggest to use to my clients. It helps you to stay focused on the topic and get work done on time. Do use it to avoid distraction from unnecessary work while you are blogging.


I have tried and tested all of these SEO tools and it has helped me gain great business and create Insightful and meaningful content for Web Pages with a more advanced SEO strategy.

You really need to check out some of these websites such as Ahrefs, BuzzSumo, Quick Sprout, Feedly, and Quora to come up with ideas for blog posts that work like wonder.

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