
6 Crucial Technical SEO Elements: 2024 Survival Guide

Technical SEO got you down? This no-nonsense guide breaks down the 6 Crucial technical seo elements you NEED to know for survival in 2024. Stop getting bogged down in the technical SEO weeds and focus on what actually moves the needle.

6 Crucial Technical SEO Elements

6 Crucial Technical SEO Elements: 2024 Survival Guide

Let me introduce a most versatile and organic marketing online tools for your digital online business and blogging. Minus the essence in technical SEO and the art of understanding mastering technicalities on your blog content it will not stand with a chance.

Technical SEO is a most important and crucial part in this digital era and the public do not realize how the hugely and it can improve website blog and content online visibility and organic traffic.

On the other hand implementing the right strategies of technical SEO that will lead your website to its full potential.

In this content post, I have summarised a pro guide on how can elevate your blog with the technical SEO strategies.

Let us get started!

6 Crucial Technical SEO Elements

Importance Of Technical SEO

Technical SEO strategy is the foundation for your websites visibility and performance. There are some major factors identical how the search engines interact, access, crawl or index your content that are depending on how can make effective your technical SEO.

Whatever, there are several different SEO ranking factors which can improve website pages loading speed as well as mobile-friendliness and secure website access connections by using (HTTPS) are a part of it which cannot be neglected.

If you neglect these steps of compelling in technical SEO elements then you will eventually drop your search engine rankings no matter however your website is ranking at the #1 spot of search engine or getting millions of page views every month.

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Understanding The Basics Of Technical SEO

I have mentioned it above and before there are the numerous of elements which are including that are comes in the technical SEO. Some of them are:

  1. Site speed
  2. Mobile optimization
  3. XML sitemaps
  4. Site architecture
  5. URL structure
  6. Site security protocols


These types of elements are combine to make the result in an efficient visitor’s experience that they have to make it stress-free for a user to navigate as well as without facing any buffering.

If we want to explain in easy words, the technical SEO is the strategy of making your blog content and website accessible for your online digital audience that will engage with your content effectively.

6 technical seo elements

6 Crucial Technical SEO Elements

As now, we know why technical SEO is essential and how it can affect your blog and website rankings. Here is a speedy sneak peek at some of its crucial elements that you should know:

1. Site Speed

The website pages speed is one of the best important features to make technical SEO mainly responsible to providing the seamless users experience.

Fast loading website tends to have more engagement and interaction with consumers as it decreases the bounce rates of website as well as it will encourages the visitors to stay for a bit long time on your blog or website.

Search engine’s perspective, having a vital and fruitful result in the optimization ranking and visibility of site.

2. Optimization Techniques

Enhance your website ranking’s and make shorten your web pages loading time, there are having much more tactics and techniques that you can implement on your website.

Number first, optimizing your images by compressing them and using the correct format.

If you are using the large sizes of images, it will affect your site and make the loading speed slow down and cover more space on a web page. So, try avoiding it.

Secondly, you must install a high caching plugin that can improve your website pages loading speed by setting up a storage of your site in the cache memory files. That will also reduce the time and it will takes to load.

Finally yet importantly, applying a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that will significantly and improve your website pages speed. CDN distributes the website and blog content across a network on the multiple servers that are available worldwide.

3. Mobile Optimization

Outrank competitors and stay on top in your IT or any other industry, it is vital role, which will provide a seamless user’s experience in today’s in this digital era.

Whatever, more than 55% of website traffic comes from the different mobile devices that are signifies the importance to optimize your website across all digital devices, especially for mobile.

How Ever a user-friendly website contributes and make towards higher internet search engine rankings as it is prioritizes the websites which can offer value to its users.

List of some tips, which you should consider for mobile optimization:

  1. Choose a friendly and responsive design for your website layout
  2. Optimize website pictures that will enhance website loading speed
  3. Minimize pop-ups on website
  4. Keep the important content on top
  5. Use Navigation expand buttons for menus
XML Sitemaps seach engine

4. XML Sitemaps & Search Engines

XML sitemap assists a search engine to understanding your websites structure as it acts as a roadmap for website.

Including all over the detail or web page, have on your website and internet search engine crawlers utilize make it easily to navigate through website as well as index pages.

Providing XML sitemap of your website, web search engines discover your website content faster compared to others and ultimately to enhance your website conten and pages visibility online.

Begin is an integral part of technical SEO you can utilize this technique to indicate the importance to make specific limited content on the web pages of your website that will make indexing faster.

5. Structured Data And Rich Snippets

Structured data with rich snippets are act as an additional information on website that can provide a comprehensive overview on your website content SERP results before they click on the link.

This is a wonderful way that how you can get a high click-through rate (CTR) on your website and assisting the internet search engines or understanding your content category.

Structured data and feature snippets, user are ensuring to improved his search visibility and enhance the user engagement.

6. HTTPS & Site Security

Security is essential component for every website and without ensuring that you are always at risk of online threats and spyware.

Which website use or follows the security protocol of HTTPS that makes sure your website is safe and secure to browse that are beneficial for the both users and the search engine.

HTTPS must activate on your website using C-Panel the data and content on website it will get encrypted and safe from malicious parties.

There are different search engines like Google consider the HTTPS security protocols that is a ranking factor favouring the websites secure with high rankings. For a website owner or admin, it would be great if they obtain an SSL certification.

A guard who is standing in front of your shop to prevent the robber and thieves to interfering in your business as well as customers. The interesting thing is that getting an SSL certification for your website that is just beginning to ensuring your website’s security.

Must regularly update your websites to make essentials such as word-press or other themes, plugins or any software integrated with your website.

Make sure, if you have written a privacy and policy of your website for the users regarding this information visitors providing about themselves as well as how you are going to use it. It is an important element to state the clear privacy and policies rules as it increases your website trustworthiness.

Common Technical SEO Problems In WordPress

Common Technical SEO Problems In WordPress With Solutions

CMS WordPress is a powerful framework that is convenient content management system, it has some fair challenges and problems, which is a user experiences when it comes to technical SEO.

As of 2023, is more than 455 million websites are currently running on WordPress CMS and I’m quite sure for you or in your friend circle are having experienced with the below challenges:

Permalink Problems: The most common problem that bloggers experience in WordPress is the default URL structure that it provides which is not SEO-friendly and user-friendly.

However, you can always customize the URL, or permalinks for every page or post.

Slow Page Speed: As I stated earlier the website loading speed is a major element in search engine ranking.

Numerous of website are based on WordPress they are facing slow loading speeds, maybe it is due to excessive use of plugins, larger size of image file, and cheap hosting.

Poor Mobile Optimization: The CMS WordPress already installed themes aren`t friendly of mobile users and responsive. If you want a fast and responsive design, you must need a theme that can be loads faster and aligns mobile optimization.

Content Duplication: Various categories are like archives and tagging can make confuse the search engines results and dilute the link equity.

Whatever make sure your writing content is free-plagiarism, so that will not happen to you. You may can use a free plagiarism checker such as EditPad to make sure your content is 100% original.

As well as, make sure that you have deleted archives and tag categories from your index or homepage.

Why Regular Maintenance Of Technical SEO Is Vital For A Blog’s Success?

The web browser are constantly evolving and updating their algorithms methods to provide the best user experience.

This type of updates drastically affect the visibility of your site in the web browser such as negatively or positively.

Follow the guidelines and keep it up with these algorithm methods updates you can make sure your website SEO performance are going steadily and it  can affect but in a good way not harmful.

However, if having unexpected changes in the algorithm structure that will not affect your website rankings and you can make your leads secure, sales, conversion and huge chunks of organic traffic.

So, make sure you analysis these changes and always keep a record of accomplishment with the last update of algorithm awhile following the latest search engine strategies and updates.

Whatever, if you have developed website on WordPress then make sure you keep to date your website as well.

WordPress regularly releasing the new updates to enhance the functionalities and improvements.

Regularly updating or enhancing your WordPress system you will be able to secure your website and SEO performance without affecting any technical SEO rues of elements.


Do not feel any doubt that technical SEO is the backbone for your website ranking and it acts as a foundation. An optimized blog that can cover every features of technical SEO can bring the truckloads of traffic in less time.

However, following the comprehensive guide that I have written or provided above. The Webmaster can make this a knowledgeable decision about how and what to choose and how to implement technical SEO strategies that will bring promising to the search engine rankings.

Finally yet importantly, make sure your redirection should be clean and easy to navigate as most of the bloggers and even experts facing the failures to realizing the broken links as well as they do not consider them.

Make sure your website is mobile-optimized and having a responsive design on every screen.

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