
The ABCs of SEO with Terminology: Beginner’s Guide (2024)

Learn the Basics of ABCs of SEO and Understand key SEO concepts and terminology in 2024 to improve your website’s search rankings and visibility. In this guide you will know about all the key SEO terms and strategies.


The ABCs of SEO with Terminology: Beginner’s Guide (2024)

Search engine optimization increases the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines like Google. Even in 2024, SEO remains a fundamental component of digital marketing as users predominantly discover websites via search.

Whether you want more website visitors, increased brand visibility, higher lead generation or sales, investing in SEO can pay enormous dividends by ranking you higher on relevant searches. This guide will teach you the ABCs for optimizing your site and dominating the search results.

Over 3.5 billion searches occur on Google daily, claiming visibility in those keyword results through SEO, which delivers tremendous discovery and conversion value.

Whether you want more website visitors, increased lead gen, greater brand awareness or bigger sales, investing in these SEO fundamentals now can pay enormous dividends.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is optimizing content to be determined through a search engine’s organic search results.

It refers to strategies and techniques that help a website rank higher in search engines like Google for relevant queries.

Proper SEO involves optimizing a site’s technical elements like HTML tags and structure and creating content optimized for both users and search engine bots.

The main types of SEO are:-

  • On-page SEO: Optimizing individual web pages through metadata, content, structure, etc.
  • Technical SEO: Improving site architecture, speed and accessibility for better indexing.
  • Off-page SEO: Building authority through external backlinks and citations.
  • Local SEO: Optimizing for geographic and location-based search queries.
  • Mobile SEO: Ensuring the site is optimized for smartphones and mobile users.
  • International SEO: Adjusting site for users in other countries.
  • Featured Snippet SEO: Optimizing pages to appear at the top of search results.
  • Voice Search SEO: Optimizing content for voice queries.

You May also like: On-Page SEO in 53 Steps

Why is SEO important?

SEO is Important Because:-

Increased website traffic: SEO helps elevate a website in search rankings, resulting in more organic visitors.

Higher conversion rates: By bringing in targeted, relevant traffic through keywords, SEO improves conversion to sales or actions.

Better brand visibility & awareness: Ranking for branded and product terms builds brand visibility and familiarity.

Lower marketing costs: Organic SEO traffic is very low compared to paid search ads or other forms of marketing.

Competitive advantage: Ranking above competitors for valuable keywords gives your brand a competitive edge.

Identify new opportunities: Keyword research can reveal customer demand and interest in new terms and topics.

More qualified leads: Visitors from SEO are motivated by what they are searching for and are more likely to convert.

Improved user experience: Optimizing for search helps improve site speed, navigation, and other aspects of UX.

Higher revenues: By generating more qualified traffic and conversions, optimizing for search boosts revenues.

Long-term growth: Unlike paid ads, SEO delivers more sustainable and consistent growth over many years.

What is DIY in SEO?

DIY SEO refers to optimizing your search engine rather than hiring an agency or consultant. Many businesses and website owners implement SEO strategies themselves to save on costs.

In this, we learn the SEO best practices and use free or low-cost tools to carry out keyword research, website audits, content optimization, link building, and tracking results.

While DIY SEO is possible, it requires dedication to continuously learn and apply evolving SEO techniques.

Key aspects of DIY SEO:-

Keyword Research using free tools

On-page optimization of metadata, content, structure

Creating high-quality, useful content

Technical SEO like site speed and link fixes

Link building through outreach and guest posts

Reviewing analytics to gauge success

Adding schema markup for rich results

Using social media for organic shares and links

The main benefits of DIY SEO are cost savings and control. But it requires dedication to learn over time. Most businesses combine DIY efforts with professional guidance for the best results.

Terminology of SEO (ABCs of SEO)

A- Anchor Text (Clickable text used in a hyperlink)

Anchor Text refers to the clickable words or phrases users see within an internal or external hyperlink.

For example, if you link the text “SEO strategies” to your blog on search engine optimization, the anchor text would be “SEO strategies.”

This clickable, anchored text gets indexed by search engines and can influence how web pages rank for related keyword terms.

Over-optimizing anchor text used to manipulate rankings is frowned upon, but natural, contextual linking is a positive.

B- Backlinks

Backlinks are incoming links to your website from external sites. They act as votes of confidence, indicating that other websites find your content valuable and relevant.

Backlinks remain one of the strongest ranking signals. As you build authoritative, high-quality backlinks, search visibility and traffic grow.

Focus on earning backlinks naturally from reputable industry websites. Guest posting and blogger outreach campaigns are common tactics.

Building links requires caution because low-quality links with spammy-anchor texts can trigger penalties. Use white-hat methods and monitor closely with analytics.

C- Canonical URL

A canonical URL is the official URL you want search engines to use for your web page. It is a snippet of code that enables webmasters to specify the single preferred URL from any duplicate or similar URLs pointing to the same webpage content.

It is helpful to avoid issues with search engines indexing and ranking duplicate versions of your page. For example, a page could have both example.com/page and example.com/page.html.

Adding a canonical URL metatag to that page signals you want example.com/page indexed.

D- Dwell Time 

In web analytics and SEO, dwell time refers to the time a user spends engaged on a particular page of your website while browsing and interacting with the content, often measured in seconds or minutes.

Users dwell longer on pages they find informative, interesting, useful, or relevant to their search. Tracking dwell time metrics provides insight on content quality and areas for optimization to increase time on site.

E – Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust (EEAT) 

Users click only trustworthy links that give credible information and Google knows this. Google uses search quality evaluators for such results.

Such evaluators monitor whether the site fulfills Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust criteria or comes from a trustworthy source. 

You should add information about your business identity and yourself to make your brand credible and identifiable easily.

You can follow the given tips on displaying EAT:-

  • You should give details of your brand and expertise on the ‘About US’ page section of the website.
  • You should include customer care details to help visitors to connect with you. 
  • You can add an author bio well written by a writer. But remember it should be clear and concise showing relevant experience and expertise in related areas. 
  • You should include customer testimonials, positive ratings, and reviews to lure more customers. This will help to enhance brand trustworthiness in the eyes of the audience.

In December 2022, Google Announces about E-E-A-T, stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

These are the qualities that Google looks for when evaluating the quality and relevance of your content. E-E-A-T is not a ranking factor by itself.

Still, it is a key component of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (SQEG), which help Google measure how well your website meets the needs and expectations of your audience.

So, how can you improve your E-E-A-T and boost your online reputation? The answer is simple:-

  • Write from your own experience, show your credentials, and be specific.
  • Don’t just write generic content that anyone can copy and paste.
  • Write content that reflects your unique knowledge, skills, and insights.
  • Share your personal stories, examples, and case studies.
  • Provide evidence and references to back up your claims.
  • Show your audience why they should trust you and listen to you.
  • Doing this will create high-quality content that adds value to your audience and impresses Google.

F- FAQ Page

A page that answers frequently asked questions about a topic. it is a very useful resource that lists questions commonly asked by site visitors, customers, or web searchers about your business, website, products, etc., along with helpful answers for each question.

Some examples of FAQs could include:-

  • How do I contact your customer support?
  • How long does shipping take?
  • Creating a well-optimized, properly structured FAQ page has several benefits:
  • Answers common website questions users already ask, satisfying their informational needs
  • Boosts ability to rank for related long-tail keyword questions
  • Builds trust and credibility by being transparent
  • Reduces repetitive visitor inquiries for basic issues
  • Optimizing FAQ content with relevant Q&As that searchers will likely ask will drive organic traffic.

G- Gray Hat SEO

Gray hat SEO refers to optimization techniques and tactics that fall into an ethical grey area, pushing the boundaries to follow search engine guidelines strictly for higher rankings.

While gray hat SEO approaches do not outright involve illegal practices like hacking or stealing content, they do intentionally violate the spirit of what search engines intend by exploiting technicalities or loopholes in the short run until they get caught.

Some examples may include:-

  • Keyword stuffing content to excess only for rankings
  • Sneaky redirects or cloaking
  • Heavy keyword-loading domains recently expired
  • Scraping or copying content from other sources

These gray areas change over time as search algorithms evolve to maintain quality and fair searches. While gray hat SEO may work temporarily, it poses reputation risks, and sites can incur penalties.

H- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

Secure version of the HTTP protocol used to transmit data on the internet. It is an encrypted and more secure version of the standard HTTP protocol that is used to transmit data and communication between internet browsers and websites.

Pages served over HTTPS connections begin with https:// rather than just http://.

Using HTTPS is vital for:-

  • Site security – Encryption protects sensitive user info like logins
  • User privacy – Prevents eavesdropping on browsing activities
  • SEO – Google favours HTTPS sites as more trustworthy, boosting rankings
  • Legal compliance – Meets data privacy legal requirements
  • Switching sites to HTTPS has become essential both for visitor security as well as search engine credibility signals.

I- Image Optimization 

Optimizing images refers to making modifications and enhancements to the images on web pages aimed at improving three key factors:

Visual quality

Loading speed

SEO value

Common image optimization techniques involve:-

  • Compressing file sizes without losing quality
  • Choosing modern image formats like WebP
  • Resizing images to appropriate pixel dimensions
  • Adding concise alt-text descriptions
  • Including title tags and captions
  • Lazy loading of offscreen images

With page speed being a ranking factor and over half of a page’s weight often coming from images, ensuring optimized images for the web is critical for both user experience and search visibility.

J- JSON-LD (Markup language used to structure and provide context to data on webpages)

J JSON-LD stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data. It is a method of structuring data on a webpage using script markup so search engines better understand the content.

When added to a page, JSON-LD objects clarify details like local business info, events, products, etc. Webmasters can implement JSON-LD to enhance search appearance, power rich results like review stars, enable voice search optimization, and allow complex site data to be interpretable.

K- Keyword Cluster

Keyword cluster is groups of related, long-tail keywords that target a specific topic or intent. Keyword clustering is an effective technique for expanding your target keywords.

For example, related phrases like “SEO audit checklist”, “steps to do an SEO audit”, and “SEO site audit PDF” would form an optimized keyword cluster focused on the topic of SEO auditing.

This allows you to create comprehensive, clustered content that ranks for more queries.

L- Largest Contentful Paint 

Largest contentful paint (LCP) is a Google Core Web Vital metric that measures how fast the main textual or image content of a webpage is visually displayed during load. Aim for an LCP of under 2.5 seconds.

Optimizing page speed has become strong for providing a positive user experience and can boost organic search rankings.

Improve LCP through code minimization, server compression, and image optimization, eliminating render-blocking resources in the critical page load path.

M- Mobile Optimization

With over 60% of searches now on mobile devices, poor mobile optimization severely hurts visibility. Ensure fast loading, readable text, clickable elements, handy navigation and full functionality across devices.

Start by testing your website on various mobile devices, identifying functionality/speed/design issues harming usability.

Implement responsive web design, switch to mobile hosting, accelerate load speeds, and create separate mobile pages personalized to handhelds over desktops when beneficial to maximize on-the-go appeal.

N- Navigational Intent 

Navigational search queries indicate the user’s intent to find a specific website or webpage they already have in mind.

For example, directly looking for your brand, product, or company’s website. To attract navigational intent, focus on building a strong brand identity and authority around your business name and keywords so users actively seek you.

O- Orphan Page (A webpage that has no internal or external links pointing to it)

Orphan pages have no inbound internal links from other pages on their site, directing users to that content.

They also lack external sites linking users. It isolates the pages, keeping search engines unaware of their existence on SERP.

Finding them and properly interlinking orphan pages in top-ranked pages by siloing related content boosts discoverability and prevents issues like dead links.

P- Pogo-sticking

Pogo-sticking is when searchers repeatedly click between the search engine results page and a website without actually engaging on the site. This signals a negative user experience where queries are answered. 

Pogo-sticking = bad user experience = lower rankings!  It’s a red flag for search engines and can tank your SEO.

Mismatched content, bad UX, clickbait, and more can trigger pogo-sticking. Keep your users happy by providing high-quality content and a smooth experience.

Follow this:- 

  • Create relevant content
  • Use a BIG font size
  • Increase site speed
  • Optimize Meta Tags
  • Understand User INTENT
  • Strong Internal Link Connection
  • Include TOC
  • Improve Dwell Time
  • Make Sure it is Infor-Rich and Easy to understand Language
  • Engage users and stop the bounce!

Q- Quality Content

High-quality website content drives more qualified organic search traffic, greater user engagement, increased sales conversion, loyalty, and advocacy.

It also stands the test of time versus trend-centric blog fare, sustaining relevance for long-tail traffic and backlinks. So, optimize content for value, depth, and uniqueness.

Conduct competitor research to find content gaps presenting opportunities. Survey customers are identifying FAQs and pain points needing solutions.

Create comprehensively researched guides and how-tos exceeding what already exists online. Promote enduring, evergreen content widely. Refresh routinely with updated statistics, new supporting studies, and additional sections.

R- Redirect (Automatically sending users from one URL to another)

A redirect automatically forwards web visitors from one URL to another. Site migrations, URL changes, and consolidating content are key instances where properly setting up redirects ensures visitors and SEO equity smoothly transfer over to the updated or preferred page. Use 301 permanent redirects when feasible.

S- Schema Markup

Schema markup is code embedded on web pages to help search engines better understand the content and context of the page.

This structured data makes information more visible in SERPs. Schema can power rich results like ratings, events, products, etc.

It helps search bots crawl and index pages. Common schema types cover organizations, blog posts, recipes, videos, articles, etc.

T- Topical Authority 

Topical authority that represents your site’s expertise and reputation within a specific topic or niche. By creating high-quality content that displays mastery of a topic, sites organically build authority around keywords and themes.

Google wants to show searchers the most trusted sites on a topic. So optimizing your content to showcase your authority = SEO gold! Pages with high authority have 129% more search traffic on average (Ahrefs). Give Google a reason to put you on top!

Do it:-

  • Choose a specific topic or niche where you have genuine expertise or interest.
  • Don’t just chase high-volume keywords. Instead, Hunt for relevant subtopics and long-tail keywords related to your niche. Use Semrush and Ahrefs for it.
  • Search Intent is much IMPORTANT in it. Observe your User’s Search Intent and search behavior. Serve Powerful Pillar Content.
  • Create high-quality, info-rich content that provides real value to your audience.
  • Break Your main Keyword into pieces! Organize your content into topic clusters, grouping related subtopics under a central pillar page. I Swear Search Engine Loves it and will accept your authority.
  • Earn backlinks from authoritative websites from relevant niche. Don’t always be Mean, also give backlinks to other sites. Always Focus on quality over quantity, prioritizing relevant and contextual links.
  • Share your content on social media and engage with your audience. Encourage user reviews and testimonials to build trust and recognition.

U- User-generated content 

User-generated content (UGC) refers to any content that is created and shared by unpaid users or contributors on a website, including:

  • Reviews and ratings
  • Comments and forum/discussion posts
  • Social media content
  • Blogs and guest posts
  • Visual content like images and videos
  • UGC is valuable for SEO for several reasons:-
  • UGC helps satisfy search intent by providing first-hand user opinions, thoughts, and perspectives related to keywords.
  • High-quality UGC optimized for SEO can help pages rank for various keyword variations and long-tail keywords.
  • UGC builds trust and authority by showing real users engaging with your content.
  • Inbound links like guest blog links in UGC can help improve rankings.
  • Unique, engaging UGC keeps visitors on site longer, reducing bounce rate.

V- Voice Search Optimization 

Voice search has seen massive growth, with over 40% of adults using voice search in 2024, according to Comscore. Google reported that over 30% of mobile searches will be done by voice in 2024. 

  • Most voice search queries are in a conversational format using natural language. They tend to be longer with different intent than text queries.
  • Ranking high in voice search requires optimizing content for featured snippets that can provide direct answers to queries.
  • Focusing on question-and-answer formats, lists, and speakable content improves performance for voice search.
  • Action-oriented keywords and conversational language are key for voice search SEO.
  • Site speed and mobile optimization are critical, as most smartphone voice searches happen.
  • Voice search optimization should focus on high-value long-tail informational and navigational queries.

W- White Hat SEO

White hat SEO is the techniques and strategies that comply with search engine guidelines and involve ethical, transparent practices.

Typical white hat tactics include high-quality content creation, on-page optimization, technical SEO, backlink building through outreach, and earned mentions.

It focuses on optimizing for users by creating sites with good user experience, page speed, accessibility, and mobile-friendliness.

Tactics comply with search engine webmaster guidelines from Google, Bing, and others. White Hat SEO providers are transparent in their practices and completely open about their techniques. 

The focus of this is on long-term, sustainable results through building authority and a trustworthy reputation online.

X- XML Sitemaps

XML sitemaps detail all website pages to help search bots efficiently crawl larger, complex sites by providing a simplified navigation guide. Having a sitemap enhances the likelihood of full indexing for visibility.

Using an online sitemap builder tool, generate a navigational aid detailing all site pages for search bots. Upload and submit the sitemap to Google Search Console to supply to Googlebot for improved crawling/indexing.

Configure your content management system to auto-generate sitemaps as new pages publish for continual visibility.

Y- YMYL Content

“Your Money or Your Life” content like financial, medical, and legal advice requires extra effort as Google imposes higher standards to protect users from harm. Failure to properly demonstrate expertise and trustworthiness here penalizes sites.

When providing such sensitive information and guidance, ensure writers boast genuine professional credentials or experience regarding topics covered.

Cite advice from reputable industry sources. Disclose conflicts of interest transparently while highlighting safety processes protecting site visitors. Monitor metrics to confirm helpfulness.

Z- Zero-Click Search

Zero-click searches are queries where users find the answer they need directly on the search engine results page without clicking through to a website.

As voice search grows more popular and featured snippets gain prominence, optimizing for zero-click visibility becomes increasingly valuable.

Structure website content to be featured snippet-friendly using common question formats for titles and headers.

Ensure answers are concise and scannable yet highly informative. Implement schema markup for key data like ratings, prices, and contact info to enable rich result previews.

What are On-Page SEO Techniques?

On-page SEO is optimizing individual web pages to rank higher on search engine result pages. This signifies that you have to optimize both content and the corresponding HTML source code, and the best part about this is that it generates effective website traffic with the most useful on-page SEO steps. 

Some key on-page SEO techniques:-

Keyword Optimization- Strategically use relevant keywords in page titles, headers, content, image names, alt text, meta descriptions, and other on-page elements. This helps search engines understand the topic of each page.

Content Optimization – Creating useful, engaging content organized in a logical structure. Quality content keeps visitors on pages longer and signals relevance to search engines.

Mobile Optimization- Ensuring pages are mobile-friendly through responsive design, accelerated mobile pages, etc. Mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor.

URL Structure – Using descriptive permalinks with targeted keywords instead of generic URLs. A structured URL is easier for search bots to interpret.

Internal Linking – Linking related pages together using anchor text keywords. This helps search bots crawl and index the site.

Page Speed – Improving page load times by minimizing HTTP requests, enabling compression, optimizing images, etc. Faster pages improve user experience.

Schema Markup – Adding schema.org markup to highlight key page elements like reviews, events, and products. This gives search engines more context.

Alt Text – Using descriptive alt text for images to provide context and target keywords. Alt text also aids accessibility.

What are Off-Page SEO Techniques?

Off-page SEO deals with activities implemented outside the website to improve your ranking on the search engine results pages(SERPs). It has everything to do with a social presence, link building, and many more things that don’t have to be on the page.

Some key off-page SEO techniques:-

Link Building- Building quality backlinks from other authoritative sites to your pages. More links from trusted sites signal credibility to search engines.

Social Sharing- Sharing content socially can earn sites natural links and traffic. Encouraging social shares should be built into content strategy.

Local SEO- Optimizing Google My Business and other local listings so a business shows up for nearby searches. Strong local SEO boosts local visibility.

Domain Authority- Getting an authoritative domain name and hosting site on a trusted web host. Domain authority has SEO value.

Guest Posting- Writing and publishing content on industry websites, contributing expertise, and earning a backlink. Great for thought leadership.

Link Reclamation- Recovering or removing broken links that shouldn’t be connected to a site anymore through redirects or 404 fixes.

Disavowing Links- Using Google’s tool to disassociate from low-quality or irrelevant backlinks that can harm rankings.

Reviews & Mentions- Gaining more online reviews, press mentions, and citations to build brand visibility and authority for SEO.

Competitive Link Analysis- Research where competitors get quality links from and pursue similar high-value link-building tactics.

How to do Technical SEO?

Technical SEO focuses on the behind-the-scenes optimizations that make a website faster, more secure, and easier for search engines to crawl. 

Here are some key steps to take:-

Site Architecture: Plan a logical, user-friendly information architecture and internal linking structure. This helps search bots index all pages.

URL Structure:

  • Clean up URLs to remove unnecessary parameters.
  • Have descriptive URLs.
  • Use 301 redirects to avoid broken links.

Sitemap & Robots.txt:  Create a sitemap.xml file and submit it to search engines. Configure robots.txt to manage crawlability.

Page Speed: Analyze site speed and implement optimizations like browser caching, compression, and CDNs. Faster load times improve SEO.

Mobile Optimization: Make sure the site is mobile-friendly and uses responsive design, AMP pages, or separate mobile URLs.

Structured Data: Add schema.org markup to pages to give search engines more context about your content.

Accessibility: Check that the site meets accessibility standards through valid HTML, alt text, and ARIA roles. This aids indexing.

Security: Implement HTTPS and SSL certificates to encrypt connections. HTTPS is a positive SEO ranking factor.

Technical Audits: Regularly audit the site for errors, duplicate content issues, and broken links using tools like Google Search Console.

Core Web Vitals: Track page experience metrics like LCP, FID, and CLS to optimize site speed and user experience.

What will be the Future of SEO?

Voice Search Optimization: Optimizing content for voice queries will become more important as people increasingly use voice technology. Long-tail, conversational keywords will be key.

Artificial Intelligence: AI will assist with SEO tasks like automated site audits, content creation, and building outreach. This allows for more scalability.

Personalization: Personalized content, localized pages, and custom landing pages for different audiences will help sites rank for hyper-targeted keywords.

Mobile First: With mobile driving the most traffic, having a lightweight mobile site or AMP pages will likely become an SEO necessity. Site speed will be critical.

Video SEO: Video content and features like cue points and transcripts must be optimized so videos rank high in search and keep viewers engaged.

Local SEO: Ranking for local searches will require robust local business listings, reviews, metadata, and schema markup for venues, events, and more.

Linked Data Structures: Using more RDFa, JSON-LD, and microdata to semantically connect and structure website data will help search bots understand pages.

Holistic User Focus: Pages that offer the best overall user experience, from site speed to usability to great content, will outperform niche-optimized pages.

Multimedia Search: Ranking-optimized, interactive multimedia like 3D images, AR content, and virtual tours will differentiate sites as search becomes more visual.

What are the Hacks You Should Avoid in SEO?

10 Hacks you Should Avoid in SEO.

As you know after Google’s March update, most of the sites are getting penalized, and traffic sinks. So Avoid it:-

  • Keyword Stuffing- Avoid excessively repeating keywords unnaturally.
  • Cloaking- Don’t deliver different content to search engines than users.
  • Buying Links- Avoid participating in link schemes or buying links.
  • Duplicating Content- Avoid having identical or near-duplicate content across pages/sites.
  • Neglecting Mobile Optimization- Optimize for mobile users to maintain search visibility.
  • Ignoring User Experience- Prioritize factors like site speed, navigation, and usability.
  • Over-Optimization- Avoid going overboard with tactics like excessive keyword usage.
  • Black Hat Tactics- Stay away from deceptive practices designed to manipulate search engines.
  • Neglecting Technical SEO- Don’t overlook technical aspects like crawlability, indexability, and site architecture.
  • Ignoring Analytics and Monitoring- Track and analyze website performance and user behavior.
  • Don’t Publish AI Content- Publishing AI content will hurt your site’s ranking.

What are the FREE sources to find Keywords?

Free Sources to find Keywords:-

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Answer The Public
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Trends
  • Keyword Surfer (Chrome Extension)
  • Wikipedia- (Look at popular article titles and headers for keyword ideas related to your topic.)
  • Forums & Communities
    YouTube & Social Media(Explore trending hashtags, video titles, and comments for keyword inspiration.)
  • Amazon & Retail Sites (Research product titles and descriptions for commercial keyword opportunities.)
  • Keyword Sheeter- A free tool that extracts keywords from top-ranking search results.


By learning SEO fundamentals like qualitative and technical website optimization, crafting search-friendly content, earning high-quality backlinks, and providing excellent user experiences, anyone can quickly and cheaply improve brand visibility and site traffic.

Stay up-to-date on the latest 2024 search algorithm and innovation trends while testing new tactics that help you pull ahead of competitors while still relying solely on outdated strategies.

Work these SEO basics into your marketing for sustainable growth gains today and soon.


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