
How To Start a Blog: Complete Beginner’s Guide (Updated)

This is the Ultimate Guide of How to Start Blogging in 2023. To Achieve success in your Blogging career, just follow these easy methods. Many Bloggers are using these easy steps to rank high.


How to Start a Blog in 2023: Complete Beginner's Guide

A blog specifically means a ‘Web log’. It contains text, images, links, web pages, and other media related to its topic.

Blogging, in simple words is described as an online journal in which you share your thoughts about specific topics for others to read online. I prefer to describe it as an easy interface to publish your content on the web. 

Blogs can be written from a personal perspective, such as what you do on a daily basis to any interesting topic. There is a blog for almost any topic you can imagine as well as a variety of offers.

Many popular blogs are written like a journal informing users of the latest trends. You can see blogs written by stay-at-home moms to blogs maintained by large organizations.

Let’s make you understand about different types of blogging you can start to blog in 2023 and earn a steady income. 

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Types of Blogging

1. Personal Blog

Personal blogs don’t focus on a specific topic or audience. The blogger just wants to make a difference and share knowledge or experience.

Bloggers write about what interests them: their hobbies, daily life, politics, some focus on a cause like their struggle with cancer. 

Some will focus on whatever is on their mind at the time they start a new blog post in 2023 and they attract the types of people that share the same interests.

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Personal Blogging

2. Niche Blog

Niche blogging involves talking about a specific point and expanding on those ideas. With a niche blog, you can direct more on a particular topic thus making research rather easy. Niches include anything someone is passionate about. 

This passion keeps them going. You can change your passion into a small personal business. For example, you have a fashion blog. Fashion bloggers are extremely popular because they showcase all of the latest fashions and the way their personal style showcases trends in fashion. 

Another type of niche blog that is popular these days in 2023 is food and recipe blogs. These types of blogs introduce readers to new restaurants and recipes that are liked by them and may enhance the experiences of their sponsors. 

Entertainment blogs are another type of niche blog. If you are looking for information on your favorite celebrity, you will land upon an entertainment blog. These blogs are widely successful and popular because I love keeping up with our favorite celebrities. 

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niche blogging

3. Business Blog

Business blogs are those who write for their business. It could be a business they own or the organization they work for. A business blog is the most suitable type of blog for people who want to showcase their professional skills on the web. 

Blog writing is focused on their business and their industry. The business blogger’s aim is to gain more exposure, traffic, and ultimately clients for the business. 

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business blog

4. Affiliate Blog

Affiliate blogging is the way to generate commissions from affiliate marketing. Instead of creating your own product, you write blog posts that review products by others. 

The goal is to encourage visitors to purchase those products using the blogger’s affiliate link, allowing you to earn a commission as specified. Affiliate bloggers need to find products with excellent affiliate programs and that are in demand to get successful. 

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5. Case Study Blogs

Case study blogs are the experimental blogs that test how the product or services works. They try different tools, techniques, services and strategies and report the results to the audience in order to provide insights into their fields. 

This essentially generates step-by-step guides that the readers can follow for success. Case studies can attract a large number of readers if you know how to strategize because everyone around interests to discover about experiments.

6. Lifestyle Blog

Lifestyle blogging involves things that you would normally do in your everyday life and one of the great things about a lifestyle blog is you take your readers on your life’s journey. 

Whether you’re starting college and you’re taking them along as you matriculate through the university or you starting a new diet plan and you’re taking them along for the ride. Readers become invested in the way that you move day to day and this takes you to your next point. 

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Benefits of Blogging

Blogging is not just fun but it is beneficial to you and if you want to start blogging you must be curious about what are the so-called talked about benefits that are pushing so many bloggers in the industry everyday.

Well, you need not worry, I Have the list ready for you and here are some of the benefits of blogging for you:

  • You will share the new learnings by writing the content for your audience.
  • You can build your online identity and trust.
  • You can make money from your blog by following your passion
  • You become your own boss and enjoy time freedom
  • You make strong relations with your customers

Now, you have an idea why you should start your blog in 2023 and how it will help you in different ways. 

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7 Easy and Magical Steps to Start Blogging

Here are the 7 easy and magical steps to start blogging in 2023:

  • Pick a niche for your blog
  • Find the perfect domain name for your blog
  • Employ a reputed web hosting service provider for your blog
  • Manage and run your own WordPress blog
  • Find an eye-catching theme for your blog
  • Install WordPress Plugins
  • Write your first blog post and take it live
  • Start earning from your blogs

I have made a detailed guide of all the above steps to get you started on your journey on how you can start with making a blog in 2023. 

So without further ado, let’s jump into the article right now.

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Step 1: Pick a niche for your blog

The most important part is to pick a niche for your blog. Niche means finding a topic for your blog. So, finding a topic doesn’t mean any random topic you choose. 

A perfect niche is one where people have a keen interest in reading your blog, and also, you have a keen interest, passion, and knowledge to write about it. 

How to choose a perfect niche?

Think about your passion, interests, talent and write it down whatever topics you come up with. 
Choose the niche from a list you are passionate to write.

Think and find whether it will interest your audience or not. If yes, then you are ready to write and if not, then again go back to your list and find another one.

Finding a perfect niche is one of the first and foremost factors for starting a blog as it will determine the rest of your website’s future and also from where you will make money.

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Step 2: Find the perfect domain name for your blog

The next step is to find the perfect domain name. A domain name is the URL of a blog or you can say the name of a website which users will visit to see it.

Few good tips to keep in mind while buying the best domain name:-

Keep it short: Keep the domain name short. As short names are easy to remember and type.

Easy to pronounce: Keep blog names simple and easy to pronounce so you don’t have to repeat for people when you tell someone about your blog.

Don’t buy numbers and hyphens in a domain name: Number and hyphens make domain names difficult to remember. People may forget numbers and hyphens to add. So avoid it.

Choose .com or .net extension: Always prefer extension .com or .net because it’s for globally.

In order to examine if the domain name is available or not, you can use Bluehost domain, name.com, godaddy or other domain name suggestion features. Enter any domain name that you want for your blog and it will also show you available domain name suggestions.

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Step 3: Employ a reputed web hosting service provider for your blog

After selecting the domain name, the next step is to find web hosting. Now, you will think, what is hosting?

Hosting is an online server where all files (text, image, video, and other things) of your blog are stored. Select the hosting company carefully as your data is a crucial thing that will be stored on it.

There are many hosting service providers but I recommend you to choose Bluehost. Its plan costs $2.95/month only which is the best part of this hosting site.

Hence, It is the best one for your blog as it is easy to use, trustable, provides unlimited storage and bandwidth and has a reasonable price.

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select best hosting

Step 4: Manage and run your own WordPress blog

Every website needs a content management system (CMS). It helps to create content on blogs. 

WordPress is one of the top cms and is widely used by people. Most web hosts offer a one-click install for it. Follow the below-given steps to install WordPress on Bluehost:

  1. Log into your Bluehost account.
  2. Open My Sites on the side menu.
  3. Click Create Site.
  4. Enter your blog’s name and tagline. Click Next.
  5. Then Choose the domain on which you want to install WordPress .
  6. Now Choose the appropriate directory you want to install it on, and then Click Next.

Step 5: Find an eye-catching theme for your blog 

After you have installed WordPress, pick the theme according to your blog. WordPress has a lot of themes available, find the best one for your blog. Whenever you change your theme, your site will also change but your blog content stays the same which makes it easy for you to have a great design.

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Step 6: Install WordPress Plugins

To enhance your blog’s functionality, WordPress gives freedom to install plugins. Through it you can add extra features on your site without having to code anything yourself.

There are a lot of plugins on wordpress, be careful while installing them. Because if you install hundreds of plugins on your blog, it can cause a lot of problems later on. 

Here I have mentioned the list of only those plugins which you should install from day one on your newly created WordPress blog:

There are many more plugins, but the above plugins will ensure that you have all the basic plugins installed on your blog. 

Now, your blog setup is ready. It’s time to add the content to it. So, let’s move to the next step.

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Step 7: Write your First Blog Post

Now start writing your blog from today itself. Your blog will grow only when you will start writing. 

Few tips that will help you to make your first post an epic one without making any mistakes:

  • Use Grammar tools like Grammarly to write error-free content.
  • Whenever you write the content, use words ‘I’ and ‘You’ to connect with the reader.
  • Write your content in such a way that it covers all the details of the topic.
  • Add some images to your content for making your article more comprehensive. Try not to use images from Google, always use copyright free images

So, now you are aware of the basics of blogging and what things can help you manage and run a blog in 2023; hence you are pretty much ready to start your blog and start earning from day one. 

Blogging is fun, easy, and resourceful and I believe that anyone who needs a second income can just start to make money with blogs, but only if you catch hold of the right resources. 

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