Top  10 "what" Answers of SEO Interview Questions in 2023


Google’s sandbox prevents new websites from ranking in the top search results. Even if you have done everything correctly, it isn’t easy to develop trust. Think of it as a trial period.

What is the Google Sandbox


Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) are the web pages that appear due to any search query. Domain authority (DA) is a search engine ranking statistic that evaluates the likelihood of a website ranking in a SERP. It simply assists in comparing your website to competitors on a scale of 0 to 100.

What are SERP and DA?


 XML sitemap serves as a roadmap for your website, identifying the most significant pages so that Google can identify the structure of your website.

What is an XML sitemap?


The percentage of users who leave a website instantly or without taking any action is the bounce rate. A high bounce rate indicates that your page’s style, content, or overall user experience might be improved. It is also a significant Google ranking factor.

What happens when bounce rate Increases?


As there are several variants of a page, a canonical URL informs search engines which URL is the original and which one you want to be featured in search engines. Canonical URLs assist websites in avoiding duplicate content concerns. Content syndication is made feasible via cross-domain canonical URLs.

What is Canonical tag?


LSI Means latent semantic indexing keywords. The keyword relevancy increases when we add LSI keywords to optimise a page. Without worrying about keyword stuffing, LSI allows you to optimise keywords on a web page. To estimate the relevance of a search query, Google’s algorithm employs LSI keywords.

What is LSI?


HTML sitemap is a new website that allows visitors to browse a list of pages that have been organized to help them understand and navigate the site quickly. If your website has a few user-accessible pages, an HTML sitemap isn’t necessary.

What is HTML sitemap?


Internal links are hyperlinks that connect one page of your domain to another. Internal link structure should be well thought out with users in mind to browse the website with ease. It assist search engines in crawling and indexing the website’s web pages and allow link juice to travel from one page to another.

What are Internal Links?


Cloaking is a black hat technique in which the user discovers different web page content than the search engine discovers. It is a technique for misleading search engine algorithms into indexing a completely new keyword-stuffed webpage while only presenting the original page to people. Google penalizes you for using this method.

What is Cloaking?


Contextual backlinks are links in the body of the article that are enclosed by text. Contextual links are more valuable than the header, footer, or sidebar links.

What are Contextual Backlinks?

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